miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

What do we know about this important ecosystem: Cabañeros?

In natural science you will have the opportunity to show your fantastic investigation skills.
The topic of your investigation is Cabañeros National Park.
You are going to visit some webpages to learn  about this amazing ecosystem and take some notes about Flora and Fauna.
·         Location.
  • Flora in Cabañeros(Names in English and Spanish)
  •  Fauna in Cabañeros (Names in English and Spanish)

En definitiva, deberéis tener una idea general sobre este ecosistema, su flora y su fauna característica.

 Homework 1:

Do your part of work and save it on a pendrive.

Step1. -  Look for Flora in Cabañeros.
Step2. - Open a power point presentation and create one slide.
Step3. - Copy images of plants in Cabañeros   ecosystem, with their names  in English and Spanish.

                                Foto tomada de http://en.www.turismocastillalamancha.es/